IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Add canceled/deleted appointments to "Today's Appointments"

"Today's Appointments" includes Upcoming, Late, No Show and Clients Waiting to Pay. It should include canceled/deleted appointments so doctors and staff can easily keep track of it without having to keep the appointment on the schedule to keep it clutter free as much as possible. Esp when clinics have a specific policy for "no show" appointments. That or add the option of "no show" when deleting the appointment so it will pop up under the tab that is already made for "No Shows".

  • Guest
  • Sep 8 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 11, 2023 15:31

    Thank you for submitting this feedback. Click the Audit list button on the Schedule to view a list of appointments that were cancelled, deleted, or rescheduled for a specified time period.