IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Callbacks: Show secondary contact on call backs

When creating a callback, would you add the ability to show both 1st and 2nd contact on account plus all phone numbers for both contacts. Then, if you could allow us to "select" which phone number the client requested we use, that'd help this process.

Can you also add the 2nd contact number to form variables. Currently we can add the 2nd contact name....but nothing else???? Would be helpful to have phone#, relationship, and the ability to add an email address for this contact too.

Along with these, adding an option on the clients account to "select" the primary method of contact (i.e. cell phone, email) , 2nd method, (i.e. text message, cell, email) .

Even a simple "box to check mark" on the call back tasks and on the schedule would help tremendously

It'd also be helpful to have the ability to check when the last updated information was added to a clients chart to check for accuracy - new phone numbers, address, etc.

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2021
  • Attach files