IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Appointments: Consultations created by clicking patient name on appointment popover card should not be linked to appointment

We would like to be able to click the patient's name on the appointment to open the patient record, and then create a consultation that is not related to the appointment. Consultations created from the patient record should not be linked to the appointment or update the appointment status.

  • Guest
  • Oct 25 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 06, 2022 12:24

    This is a huge problem at my practice. Neo claims that you should go to the list of recent patients at the top of the screen and click there to go make a consultation if you do not want it to update the appointment- however, that is counterintuitive and a waste of extra clicks.
    I like that you can create consultation from the appointment card, but when you click on the client and make a consultation, that should not affect the appointment- it may be documentation of a conversation when calling to confirm the appointment or some other documentation and this would be the most efficient way to do it.