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Add an option to print or email a detailed statement which would include all invoices including products and services with payments that were applied to each invoice.
we have complaints regularly about statement format not easy to read and not being able to sent to multiple people
Yes, itemized invoices on statements. We spend way to much time answering calls and emails from organizations who want to know who (patient) and what the statement is for, and what the itemized breakdown is per patient.
We have gotten numerous complaints from clients regarding the statements. The way payments show is very confusing to clients. Itemization of invoices on the statement would also cut down on a lot of confusion.
We have gotten many comments about how crowded/diffiuclt to read statements are (e.g thinking they are being charged twice for tax), especially when they are e-mailed to them. We were atempting to code our own invoice without the discount and tax columbs and jsut leaving it on the bottom summary. unfortunately that is not working well.
Clients frequently make partial payments, or pay more than total and would like to leave credit on account; or have multiple invoices due to multiple patients or multiple transactions. Neo makes these invoices/statements for these transactions very difficult to read.