IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Products: Automatically add prescriptions to Rx tab without clicking Prescribe (ex: product tracking or special action)

We like the new prescription tab, but trying to remember to hit "prescribe" on each medication is time consuming and we forget a lot, which makes it not very helpful. Can you just set it in products so that the drop down for vaccines, radiology, etc has an option for "prescription" that will automatically go into the Rx tab like the vaccines do? That way we don't have to remember each time.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2018
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  • Guest commented
    December 22, 2023 17:47

    Very basic feature that needs to be implemented in the Product -> Special Actions section so that individual items can trigger the "Prescribe/Refill" prompt. This would be a major time saver, very important to address.

  • Guest commented
    October 18, 2023 13:03

    This is actually a huge issue! Employees can print a prescription label without it being prescribed to the pet. They can then turn around and delete the item from the invoice. That could be a controlled drug nightmare if you have sketchy employees.

  • Guest commented
    February 01, 2023 20:08

    oh my yes!! we don't even use the RX tab because NO one wants to click the 3 dots. An automatic pop up should occur and then add it to the RX tab once the invoice is closed!

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2023 14:20

    PLEASE do this! If you don't take the extra steps to click on prescribe, open a new window, edit, save, etc etc then the meds dispensed will not show up in the RX tab. So when an animal comes in and needs a refill or was RX something a year and a half ago we have to scroll through all of the consults to find out what/when meds were RX.

  • Guest commented
    November 18, 2022 18:35

    OMG yes!!!! how embarassing for everyone using Neo to feel like they've just discovered this after months of doing this incorrectly, not to mention that compliance is impossible

  • Guest commented
    October 08, 2022 07:56
    Totally agree with this. I have been using Neo for 2 years now and just found out yesterday that I need to click prescribe for it to show up in the prescriptions tab. Prescription products should be identified in their product information and automatically show up in prescriptions tab. Any further clicking should only be needed if you want to add further details/refills.
  • Guest commented
    April 27, 2022 16:45

    Thank you for this feedback! Inventory O/H quantity is not tied to prescribing a product. The O/H quantity is updated for a product when a consultation is saved, purchase order is received or when a user with the Product Admin permission updates the product's O/H box on the Product List. For a product's quantity to be updated, their must be a value in the Min box on the Product List. It cannot be blank. For more information on how inventory quantities are updated, please see Adjust stock levels. If you need further assistance with troubleshooting, please reach out to Neo Support.

  • Guest commented
    April 27, 2022 16:33

    It is extremely frustrating/aggravating/concerning that inventory counts can be off because someone forgot to hit the prescribe button. Particularly with high incidence of abuse drugs that are not yet controlled. It is much too easy to miss hitting prescribe for each drug ordered, especially when multiple drugs are ordered up and the labels can be printed without hitting prescribe. When would we ever order up a drug that we don't actually want to be counted in inventory or listed on the Rx tab?

  • Guest commented
    March 23, 2022 16:29

    I would prefer that the popup that comes up when you hit the “prescribe” would automatically come up when you enter a prescription product- this way it prompts us to enter refill info and such and also automatically goes to the Rx tab.
    At minimum, nothing come up in label section until hit the “prescribe” button so that we cannot forget to do it!

  • Guest commented
    March 21, 2022 16:44

    Agreed. I think we should be able to set which categories go to Rx (and would be nice to have a "Diet" tab as well), and have these Rx auto-print when clicking prescribe.

  • Guest commented
    March 03, 2022 01:58

    I would like to have the categories Pharmaceuticals, Controlled Substance & heartworm to automatically log under RX, with the abilities to edit the sig or add refills

  • Guest commented
    August 06, 2021 15:42

    Or at least have a single button to press rather than three clicks to accomplish the goal.

  • Guest commented
    March 03, 2021 19:35

    Agree with this too. My techs often have to chase me down because I forgot to do this. Should just automatically be prescribed once instructions are entered. We can void it if needed (though that will happen less than prescribing the meds themselves).

  • Guest commented
    February 13, 2021 06:18

    agree with this and the ability to prevent a consult from being able to close and be paid until those products, rx, etc have been track and prescribed?