IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Consultations: Email or print an invoice if unpaid and a receipt if consultation is paid

Option to print/email receipt (verbiage that states paid in full and receipt at the top) along with print invoice, print invoice no prices for consultations.

I'm a mobile practice and all of my receipts are emailed to a client. When someone has a balance due and mails a check, they are often confused when I email a receipt that reads "invoice" even though they have already paid and the bottom says "Balance Due: $0" ... I would like to recommend an additional option of "email receipt" in addition to email invoice. This way I can edit the invoice to say "We show you owe a balance" or something like that and the receipt can say "Thank you for your payment" at the top. Or, if there is another, better way to do this, please let me know.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2018
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