IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Reminders: Do not send (disable) reminders when patient has a scheduled appointment

Would like vaccine reminders turned off when an appointment was scheduled.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Sep 18:47

    Yes! This would be awesome! I read another request that asked to make a way to click on reminders to just add them to the appointment instead of having to type them all out. This could work for both! It can add to the appointment and disable the need to send those reminders.

  • Guest commented
    10 Sep 21:01

    Yes, we would see a lot of benefit from this too; we get a lot of email, spend time clarifying a reminder is not an appointment, AND confirming when an appointment is scheduled. Disabling reminders when an appointment is made and/or when the pet is marked deceased would be great.

  • Guest commented
    09 Sep 14:31

    We receive many calls from clients who are upset about continued reminders once they have booked their appt.

  • Guest commented
    19 Jun 15:14

    Received 2 calls just today of clients who are confused, would love to have the system weed out clients who already have appts booked. We get these calls daily.

  • Guest commented
    19 Jun 15:10

    We get calls daily of confused clients, saying they thought they had an appt set up for their pet but they are still receiving a notification that their pet is due/overdue for certain things. Hoping this problem gets fixed ASAP within NEO as many other reminder systems stop sending the owner reminders for upcoming/overdue vaccinations once an appt is made. This is very confusing, frustrating and time consuming for owners and employees!

  • Guest commented
    18 Mar 16:15

    we deal with alot of rescues and they do not want reminders. it would be nice if you could check a box on client file to say yes or no to reminders being sent.

  • Guest commented
    November 06, 2023 16:29

    we get multiple calls daily about the reminders going out and confusing people on the day their appt is because reminders are still going out once an appt is scheduled. We really need reminders stopped once an appt is scheduled.

  • Guest commented
    January 06, 2022 22:55

    Would like the option to turn off sending reminders if client decides to stop a certain vaccine/procedure without having to delete it

  • Guest commented
    June 21, 2021 14:07

    Thank you for the feedback! Reminders are automatically removed and not sent for patient who:

    • Have been marked as deceased even if still set as active

    • Have been deactivated

  • Guest commented
    June 17, 2021 15:38

    yes yes and also no reminder if pet is deceased or offer to make that box deceased and inactive (so just 1 click)