IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Reports: New summary report to identify provider production with count of invoices, ACT average client transaction (showing paid and unpaid)

Summary report listing each provider on a line with sales and production compensation columns, allowing the vet/owner or practice admin to easily cut a check to each provider.

- Total transactions per provider

- Total $ sales - paid vs. unpaid

- ACT average client transaction

- Other stats

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2018
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  • Guest commented
    11 Sep 17:15

    This report is especially needed because it is very hard to calculate ProSal or commission properly. The provider report bar chart shows Gross Sales (!) and not Net Sales, which is what we would want to see because we don't pay production that has been discounted away. It currently shows sales that have not been collected, and generally ProSal and commission does not apply to sales that have not been paid for. It does not allow filtering out the provider's own pets. Yet another report where doing it correctly means going through by hand and fixing things in Excel, which takes forever. Computers are supposed to do this for us easily.