IDEXX Neo Enhancement Requests

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Reports: New Summary Report (Totals by: Payment Types, Provider Sales, Sales Tax, A/R, New Clients)

Report that has Monthly totals with payments breakdown (Cash, Check, Amex, Mc, Visa...etc; total number of inovices) & total; Provider sales breakdown by provider (each Key amount with number of invoices); sales tax breakdown; A/R Changes and net; total New clients.

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  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2018
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  • Guest commented
    03 Apr 14:43

    Also sales by product category.

    Total sales should equal pre-tax sales in each product category + sales tax.

    Total payments for a period should equal total sales plus changes in AR. That is, if there are $3500 in total sales and $3000 in payments, there should be a $500 increase in AR on the report. If there are $3000 in sales and $3500 in payments, there should be a $500 decrease in AR on the report.

  • Guest commented
    October 04, 2023 23:02

    It would be great if we are able to see the provider on the payment summary.